a larry and 2 darryls
If you happen to visit da Boat House from around Late October through around mid-March, you will be there during the time of year where the pelicans are present. Larry, his brother Darryl and his other brother Darryl, are quite the hams. The know the sound of Shawn’s electric fish cleaning knives. So any time they hear them, they know they will be eating good at Turner the Page, and they come flying in to get a front row seat to the fish cleaning and snack on the scraps. Larry is clearly in charge and makes his authority known. Darryl and Darryl follow each other around, even swimming in circles at times. They like to jump up on the bulkhead and dock, watching the water as they hunt for shrimp and fish. You can also see all 3 perched on an old tree branch on the south (Down da bayou) side of da Boat House. Every once in awhile, Larry will even fly up and perch on the apex of the roof that’s over the patio, and watch everything from on high.