A frequent visitor to Turner the Page is this beautiful heron. Perhaps one of the least creative animal names around here, but he most definitely earned it. You’ll soon see why. He easily could have been named “Eeyore” for certain. …because you see, Cranky is…um…a little moody. You can hear it in his sharp “SQUAKK!” he makes. He’ll let you photograph and video him to a degree, but if you get too close, he’ll fly away and you’ll witness yourself just where he got his name from. As you look around Turner the Page, you’ll also notice a statue of a heron with a bow around her neck. Some good friends of Shawn and Miss K thought maybe Cranky was so moody because he wanted a lady friend. …so they brought him a Mrs. Cranky. Maybe that’s it. Perhaps he just needs a friend. Time will tell if she can calm his savage heart. You can see Cranky at Turner the Page year round. You’ll see him soaring by in the air, standing on the floating hyacinth in the bayou, wading in the water near the bulkhead and dock for food, or literally standing on the dock, waiting for an unsuspecting fish to swim by and fall into his trap.