Oh South Louisiana, I do adore thee. Thank you Lord for encouraging signs everywhere, if we would only look for them.
Do y’all see it? Look close.
A beautiful reminder appeared just now tonight, down the bayou 5 days after a hurricane, of the fact things will be wonderful, and there’s nothing to worry about.
If you are worried about something right now, dear friend, as scary as it is, as daunting as it may seem, as down as you may feel….
I promise…very soon if you are truly looking for a new way of thinking, to trade all that worry and sadness and anger and frustration for something much greater….you will see and hear and taste and feel something so great, you wouldn’t believe it if you were told.
But, you must be hoping truly, and watching for this. Look around. Listen. Be on alert in great expectation. This revelation will be so amazing, smiling, crying tears of joy, and hugging thise dearest to you will be the only response.
Soon, dear friend. Soon.
Much love from down the bayou, from Miss K, all our critters, and me.