Good morning. . Just sharing some thoughts from my quiet time this morning.
At times it can be easy to become distracted and find ourselves lost in the shuffle and bustle around us. But there’s so much we can learn IF we are willing to take a deep breath and slow down a bit. …and pay attention.
A couple weeks back, there was a motor vehicle accident on the other side of the bayou. It resulted in a fatality.
The morning of that very day, these two killdeer decided to make their nest in the driveway. First there was one egg, then two, then three, then four.
…in the very same day, death occurred and new life began.
Every day Miss K and I have watched these 2 killdeer, “Richard” and “Rachel” or “Ri-Ray” for short. (A name explanation for another time )
They trade places throughout the day and night guarding their precious treasure. They chase off would be intruders. They act wounded to draw predators away from the nest and will even die protecting those little delicate eggs.
They have sat over those eggs in a couple of wild southern thunderstorms, through whipping wind, lightning flashing through the sky….they have sat there in the blazing hot sun on that gravel for hours and hours on end.
They aren’t out there holding up signs proclaiming their opinions or beliefs. They aren’t over there repeating the same things they have heard other people say over and over. They aren’t out there yelling at people to somehow be talked into thinking the same as them. They aren’t arguing politics or health or finance.
They are DOing what they believe. …and they are so sure what they believe is real, they are even willing to die for it. They are willing to die so that new life can occur.
I wonder how many of us are that sure about the things we believe? I wonder how many of us have even sat to ponder what we truly believe? Sure, many TALK about what they believe, but how many DO it?
No man told those killdeer what to do. Yet they somehow know exactly what to do. How can this be? Think about it.
I wonder how many are willing to allow old thoughts, old ways of thinking – to die, so that NEW thoughts, new ways of thinking, NEW LIFE can be given?
Truth is much greater than fiction, folks. That is absolutely true.
But what do I know? I’m just a fisherman living life down the bayou.
May each of you who have made it through this post truly ponder these things today. My hope is all of us would be willing to allow any old ways of thinking that are in the way of our true freedom to die in order for new, greater ways of thinking to be born.