but first, you must open your heart. you must be filled with expectancy.
There is a wonderful children’s book written by Kate DiCamillo titled “The Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane”. Really, it’s a fantastic children’s book, but equally amazing to read as an adult and immerse yourself into an abyss of deep and thoughtful meaning. Miss K read this entire book out loud to Shawn as they spent their late afternoons sitting by the bayou enjoying the environment, and each other. One day, this sweet rabbit appeared who seemed to have so much wisdom, yet great curiosity at the same time. Immediately the name “Edward Tulane” came to Miss K and Shawn’s minds. Edward also has a wife, Miss Glory, who appears often but she is very camera shy. Perhaps you can capture her image while visiting. Both Edward and Glory can most often be seen in the early mornings, and around dusk on both sides of the property, near the grass lines on the edges.