Miss K and Shawn noticed all the sudden, every night just a little after 5pm, here came this nutria. He would always come swimming in the bayou out of the north (Up da Bayou), heading South (Down da bayou), pass by the Boat House, then turn to the land, and disappear in the marsh. They watched for days, and this same behavior, at this same time happened every day. Then one day, there they all were. Ward’s family, and the kids’ friends. Well, the only person Shawn and Miss K could think of who gets off at 5 every day and goes home to a house occupied with wife and kids all together, then immediately have dinner, is Ward Cleaver. So for almost the entire year, if you look around about 5pm into the early morning hours, you can spot Ward, June, Wally, The Beav, and their friends eating the clover, and causing other mischief. If you happen to be here when a litter is born, you will hear interesting sounds, for certain.